Hi, I’m Jemila

Hi, I’m Jemila. I’ve been obsessively stargazing since 1992 and a consulting astrologer since 1998. I specialize in relationship astrology. What’s that mean? Well, I love, adore and am totally obsessed with looking at how one chart relates to another...the art of relationships. How does your song harmonize with another's? What music do you make together?

Almost everyone knows what their Sun sign is, but what about your Moon, Venus and Mars? If we know our Sun sign, why would we not want to know our equal and opposite, receptive side? Our Moon. And our great lovers within, our Venus and Mars describe our relationships. Our Venus speaks of our ideals in romantic love, how we love, who we love, and why we love them. Our Mars is how we move, fight, dance, express our sexuality and generally assert ourselves. When we understand our essential celestial needs and those of our loved ones, we can bring so much more harmony to our relationships.


Stars and their stars